Hi! And welcome to Simply Kindness! I’m so glad you’re here. My name is Rachel and I am a 34 year old wife and a mother to 3 daughters, a lab named Thor, and a bunny named Oreo. I work full time as a hospice nurse and have a passion for self care.

I wear many hats in this crazy-beautiful life I live and as you could probably guess, it can get difficult to stay centered and sane. It’s so easy to lose yourself in the chaos.

I have found many truths in motherhood, but I think that the most substantial thing that it’s taught me is that, you can not pour from an empty cup.

If you are tired and overwhelmed and feeling like a shadow of your former self, then maybe it’s time to change a few things. After all, how can you effectively care for those around you, if you are not caring for yourself.

SimplyKindness was born, simply because I saw a need in the World for more kindness. More kindness to each other and the World around us, but more importantly, more kindness to ourselves.

Motherhood is hard, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take it on with absolute confidence and grace.

Simply Kindness is about filling your cup up so that it overflows to those around you, it’s about giving yourself grace to be imperfect, and it’s about teaching our children to do the same. It’s about changing the World.

But it starts with you.

I know what it’s like to feel defeated by life, and I’m telling you right now, it doesn’t have to be that way!

I created this space to encourage other people to be the best versions of themselves. So, here I’ll share all the things that make my life just a little bit easier and have brought me so much joy. Everything from fitness and health to beauty and style and everything in between.

We’re in this together!